Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Chiropractic and acupuncture assessment and appropriate treatment.
For first time visit please schedule under New Patient Exam.


Chiropractic is the science of removing, correcting, and stimulating proper neurological communication between the brain and body through removing back alignment.


Balancing the mind body through the meridians that act similarly to our GPS we use to navigate. Our brain and body uses the meridians to coordinate all its functions and vitality.

Applied Kinesiology

Specific muscle testing to evaluate all the muscles related to a muscular skeletal issue or neurology balance in the body and brain.
For first time visit please schedule under New Patient Exam.

Nutritional Consulting

Nutritional consulting.
For first time visit please schedule under New Patient Exam.

Biocharger PEMF

The BioCharger NG replenishes your body with natural energies it lacks due to the modern lifestyle. The BioCharger NG replenishes your body with natural energies it lacks due to the modern lifestyle.Providing PEMF, Frequencies, harmonics, and Qi.

Doctor of Chiropractic. Licensed Acupuncturist. Diplomate higher education status in acupuncture and Applied Kìnesiology. Is a board certified teacher, Practices in Pleasant Hill, CA

Doctor of Chiropractic. Licensed Acupuncturist. Diplomate higher education status in acupuncture... Read More

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Located at: 1924 Oak Park Blvd, Ste B, Pleasant Hill
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